
I started it yesterday, thinking "Uplifting? Happy? Exactly what I need!"
Look where that got me. Crying in my bed at midnight.
Not ugly crying, but still.
Stupid book.
UPDATE (6/6/2014): This is not a necessary update at all, but I just wanted to add that while I was reading [b:Flat-Out Love|11096647|Flat-Out Love (Flat-Out Love, #1)|Jessica Park|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1361307724s/11096647.jpg|16018629] I somehow thought about [b:Wonder|11387515|Wonder|R.J. Palacio|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1366213431s/11387515.jpg|16319487] and I literally had to stop reading because I was choking up already.